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  1. Flowers for Algernon is a short story by American author Daniel Keyes, later expanded by him into a novel and subsequently adapted for film and other media. The short story, written in 1958 and first published in the April 1959 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction , won the Hugo Award for Best Short Story in 1960. [2]

  2. Fiori per Algernon (Flowers for Algernon) è un racconto di fantascienza del 1959 di Daniel Keyes, vincitore del premio Hugo per il miglior racconto breve nel 1960. Il racconto venne poi ampliato nel 1966 dando vita a un omonimo romanzo che vinse il Premio Nebula.

  3. Des fleurs pour Algernon (titre original : Flowers for Algernon) est un roman de science-fiction de Daniel Keyes, publié en 1966. Algernon est une souris de laboratoire qui a subi une intervention chirurgicale pour augmenter son intelligence.

    • Daniel Keyes
    • Anglais américain
    • Science-fiction
    • États-Unis
  4. › wiki › Daniel_KeyesDaniel Keyes - Wikipedia

    The short story and subsequent novel, Flowers for Algernon, is written as progress reports of a mentally disabled man, Charlie, who undergoes experimental surgery and briefly becomes a genius before the effects tragically wear off.

  5. 24 mag 2021 · Fiori per Algernon è un fantascientifico che non ha nulla di fantascientifico, è un distopico che non racconta mondi in rovina. Lo definirei un complesso intreccio sulla socialità e sui limiti a cui dobbiamo sottostare nei rapporti con il prossimo.

  6. Introduction. Originally published as a short story in 1958, Flowers for Algernon appeared as a full-length novel in 1966 and has remained a critical and popular success.

  7. D'abord publié sous forme de nouvelle en 1959 (prix Hugo l'année suivante), puis sous forme de roman en 1966 (prix Nebula), Des Fleurs pour Algernon est un des chefs-d'œuvre incontestés de la science-fiction. Il a été adapté en téléfilm tourné en direct, puis au cinéma en 1968 ( Charly, Ralph Nelson).