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  1. 14 ago 2018 · Il villaggio Pribyslavitz. Costruendo dalle ceneri il villaggio Pribyslavitz, ho notato che alcuni edifici non si possono costruire come ad esempio le stalle o scuderie, la macelleria, ecc. Come mai? Possiamo vedere, al completamento del DLC, il villaggio è ancora da sviluppare anzi in un dialogo proprio alla fine, dovevamo riferire dei lavori ...

  2. 11 mar 2018 · here is a list with cry engine commands. you can set commands as default by creating a user.cfg file. type the commands (e.g using editor) into a file named “user.cfg” (not .txt) save the file here: c:\progams\steam\steamapps\common\kingdomcomedeliverance. be sure to set “+exec user.cfg” in steam launch options.

  3. 11 lug 2018 · Carbonai e bestiame From the Ashes. Ciao a tutti. Ho iniziato la dlc dalle ceneri e devo dire che mi piace assai. Ho un problema però. Non riesco a interagire con i Carbonai lungo la mappa per comprare il carbone necessario alla costruzione delle strutture come la forgia. Ogni volta che mi avvicino a un carbonaio ho solo la possibilità del ...

  4. 24 ott 2014 · Hello I’m starting now the " List of Consol Commands " thread! Please post here found commands,how to use them and what they are ment for: [I’ll Update the List in first Thread as found/time is given to me 😉 ] How tu use: press “^” to enter the console ,then enter your command ! OR COPY-PASTE(Strg+c–>Strg+v)! it from the thread and press enter to proceed 😉 Possible way to gain ...

  5. 5 mar 2018 · The Boars that are south of Rattay are on the border of the map. I’ve had them run farther south to escape me and I can’t persue them. I haven’t tried to come at the from the east or west, yet. But I imagine that is the only way to get them. Happy hunting. I need boar meet, but outside of the quest the Prey I have never seen any.

  6. 6 mag 2015 · I think small size will be compensated by the quality of the map. If the game sells well, we will probably have larger map in sequels. Just to tell you guys that I absolutely love this game, but one thing that worries me is the size of the map. I've recently noticed that the map size is only 16 square km. That's pretty small, since Skyrim is ...

  7. 28 feb 2018 · Is there a XML file anywhere in the Kingdom Come installation where I can locate what an items ID is and what the in game name for said is? I’ve been manually comparing Item.xml to armor.xml, then comparing what stats are in armor.xml to both in-game and wiki info on armor stats. But surely there must be a better way?

  8. 20 feb 2019 · So far I’ve been having an absolute blast playing the game until recently. I am on the Chastity and Obedience mission and after loading into the game it will crash every single time within 5-10 minutes of playing. And sometimes it will even crash as soon as the save file is loaded. This is very gamebreaking and I can no longer play the game.

  9. 24 giu 2019 · Srnčí maso. Zdravím pánové, doufám, že to tady ještě funguje. Začal jsem hrát pozdě. Mám donést řezníkovi srnčí ledvinky a když slovím srnu (ano, skutečně lovím srny) mám k dispozici jen srnčí maso. Když je dovezu řezníkovi, tak nic.

  10. 1 apr 2018 · Dýku v inventáři mám, ale pořád mi to nabízí jen požnost omrážení nebo okradení. Zabití ze zálohy ne. Neví někdo, co s tím? Máš naučený perk zabití ze zálohy? Ajo, díky. Nevím, jestli dělám něco špatně, ale ve verzi 1.4.1 mi nejde zabíjet ze zálohy. Dýku v inventáři mám, ale pořád mi to nabízí jen ...