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  1. Fritz Pfeffer (Gießen, 30 aprile 1889 – Campo di concentramento di Neuengamme, 20 dicembre 1944) è stato un odontoiatra tedesco che condivideva il nascondiglio con le famiglie Frank e Van Pels nei Paesi Bassi durante le persecuzioni da parte dei nazisti

  2. Friedrich "Fritz" Pfeffer (30 April 1889 – 20 December 1944) was a German dentist and Jewish refugee who hid with Anne Frank and her family and the Van Pels family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. He perished in the Neuengamme concentration camp in Northern Germany.

  3. Fritz Pfeffer was a Jewish dentist who fled Nazi Germany and joined the Frank and Van Pels families in the Secret Annex. He was arrested with them in 1944 and died in a concentration camp in 1944.

  4. Dopo l’arresto, la deportazione prima nel campo di transito di Westerbork e poi nel campo di sterminio di Auschwitz, Fritz Pfeffer deve affrontare la prima selezione. Riesce a superarla e fino all’ottobre del 1944 rimarrà ad Auschwitz.

  5. Fritz Pfeffer died in the Neuengamme concentration camp on 20 December 1944. In the Anne Frank Knowledge Base, the Anne Frank House collects all information about Anne Frank, her fellow hiders and helpers. Here you can find stories, people and events in Anne's life.

  6. Fritz Pfeffer was a Jewish dentist who joined the Frank family and the Van Pels family in the Secret Annex in 1942. He was one of the six helpers who risked their lives to protect the eight people in hiding from the Nazis.

  7. Fritz Pfeffer was one of the eight people who hid in the Secret Annex with Anne Frank and her family. Learn about his life, arrest and fate in the Anne Frank Knowledge Base.