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  1. La rivolta di Pugacëv (in russo: Восстание Пугачёва, detta anche Guerra dei contadini del 1773–75 o Ribellione dei cosacchi) del 1773-75 fu la principale rivolta di una serie di ribellioni popolari che ebbero luogo nell'Impero russo durante il regno di Caterina II di Russia.

  2. La rivolta di Pugachev, iniziata alla fine di settembre del 1773, si estense su vasti territori compresi tra la Russia centrale e la Siberia. La ribellione coinvolse, secondo alcune stime,...

  3. Sergej Viktorovič Pugačëv (in russo Сергей Викторович Пугачёв?, in francese Sergueï Pougatchev; Kostroma, 4 febbraio 1963) è un imprenditore, banchiere e politico russo e in seguito cittadino francese, miliardario, membro in passato del circolo ristretto di Vladimir Putin.

  4. Sergei Viktorovich Pugachev, also spelled Sergey Pugachyov (French: Sergueï Pougatchev; Russian: Сергей Викторович Пугачёв; born 4 February 1963), is a Russian-born French business magnate. He is a doctor of technical sciences and a member of the International Engineering Academy. Pugachev moved to the United States in 1994.

  5. Pugachev's Rebellion (Russian: Восстание Пугачёва, romanized: Vosstaniye Pugachyova; also called the Peasants' War 1773–1775 or Cossack Rebellion) of 1773–1775 was the principal revolt in a series of popular rebellions that took place in the Russian Empire after Catherine II seized power in 1762.

    • 1773-1775
    • Russian Empire: Volga region, Ural region
  6. 7 apr 2020 · Sergei Pugachev had amassed his vast $15bn fortune in post-communist Russia. He owned a coal mine, shipyards, designer brands and even one of Russia's largest private banks.

  7. The Pugachev Rebellion kicked off in September, 1773 and rapidly spread from central Russia to Siberia. Over one million people reportedly were involved in the revolt against the Empire’s...