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  1. Log in first. Then you will be asked for the code you received by mail. Did you forget your password? You can reset it.

  2. one – il servizio digitale per le vostre carte. Login Iscrivetevi subito. Gestite online, in modo semplice e sicuro, le vostre carte di credito, debito e prepagate. Sono supportati tutti i tipi di dispositivi: utilizzate one in versione app (iOS e Android) o nel Web.

  3. Login Register now. Manage your credit, debit and prepaid cards conveniently and securely online with "one". All device types are supported: Use "one" as an app (iOS & Android) or on the web.

  4. Login. Effettuando il login collegate il conto one al vostro e-banking. Se non disponete ancora di un conto one, potete registrarvi qui . A questo punto, riavviate il processo nel vostro sistema e-banking. Indirizzo e-mail.

  5. Con one potete controllare e confermare comodamente i pagamenti su Internet con carta di credito usando un'app sul vostro smartphone (è possibile confermare il pagamento anche con un SMS). Pagare online non è mai stato più semplice e più sicuro!

  6. "one" makes your digital life easier. "one" offers you a convenient means of checking and confirming your online card payments via a smartphone app (you can also confirm payments via text message). Paying online has never been easier and more secure! Where can I find the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about "one"? Do you need a credit card?

  7. The free customer portal VisecaOne offers you control over your credit and prepaid cards as well as all business and corporate cards.

  8. Manage your credit, debit and prepaid cards conveniently and securely online with “one”. As the holder of an eligible card, you will also benefit from the surprize rewards programme. All device types are supported: Use "one" as an app (iOS & Android) or on the web. Register Login.

  9. Register your card. "one" is the platform that gives you control over your cards and lets you confirm your online transactions. To register, use the code that you received by post. You will need your smartphone or mobile phone in order to register. Registration takes about 5 minutes.

  10. Login Jetzt registrieren. Mit one können Sie Ihre Kredit-, Debit- und Prepaid-Karten einfach und sicher online verwalten. Alle Gerätetypen werden unterstützt: Verwenden Sie one als App (iOS & Android) oder im Web. Ihre Karten jederzeit unter Kontrolle.