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  1. Anne Hathaway fu la moglie di William Shakespeare. Si sposarono nel 1582 e lei sopravvisse alla morte del marito per sette anni. Si sa molto poco sul suo conto al di là di alcuni riferimenti in documenti legali, ma la sua personalità e la sua relazione con Shakespeare sono state oggetto di speculazioni da parte degli storici e ...

  2. 4 mar 2020 · L'attrice americana Anne Hathaway ha un marito che ricorda molto il celebre scrittore William Shakespeare, sia per aspetto che per nome. Scopri le differenze e le curiosità tra le due coppie sposate con lo stesso nome.

  3. Anne Shakespeare (née Hathaway; 1556 – 6 August 1623) was the wife of William Shakespeare, an English poet, playwright and actor. They were married in 1582, when Hathaway was 26 years old and Shakespeare was 18. She outlived her husband by seven years.

  4. Learn about Anne Hathaway, the wife of William Shakespeare, who was eight years older than him and pregnant when they married in 1582. Discover her life as an Elizabethan housewife, her children, her cottage, and her legacy.

  5. 7 apr 2023 · Why did he marry a local woman, Anne Hathaway, have three children with her, then decamp to London for a life in the theater? What was their relationship really like? And why do we know so...

  6. 25 giu 2024 · Anne Hathaway was the wife of William Shakespeare. She was probably born at Shottery, near Stratford, the daughter of Richard Hathaway, a local landowner. She was married to Shakespeare in November 1582, when he was 18 and when she, according to the sole evidence of an inscription on her.

  7. Anne Hathaway sposò William Shakespeare nel novembre 1582. Lei aveva 26 anni e lui 18. La coppia viveva a Stratford-upon-Avon, che si trova a circa 100 miglia a nord-ovest di Londra. Sembra che i due si siano sposati a colpi di fucile.