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  1. 27 gen 2021 · Leggere la testimonianza di Miep Gies fa certamente sperare in un mondo migliore, senza mai dimenticare che oggi siamo noi gli uomini che POSSONO dire “si” oppure “no”. La storia di Miep Gies la donna che salvò dai nazisti il diario di Anna Frank. Leggere la sua testimonianza fa certamente sperare in un mondo migliore.

  2. Il padre di Anna, Otto Frank, è l'unico sopravvissuto alla sterminio. Miep Gies, la donna che aveva aiutato e nutrito la famiglia Frank mentre era nascosta, trova il Diario e lo consegna al padre. L'uomo decide di esaudire il desiderio della figlia e di pubblicare l'opera, tagliando alcune parti.

  3. Good fortune is like a red thread running throughout my mother's life', remarked Paul Gies, son of Miep and Jan Gies. That remark seems justified, considering how this small, ailing girl, born in Vienna in 1909 and undernourished during the First World War, is now, in 2008, in reasonably good health, still living independently with some assistance, and hoping to celebrate her hundredth ...

  4. During the Second World War, Miep Gies, along with Johannes Kleiman, Victor Kugler, Bep Voskuijl, Jan Gies and Johan Voskuijl, made up a team of helpers for the eight Jewish people hiding in the Secret Annex at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam. The office of Otto Frank, where Miep worked as secretary, was located at the front side of the same ...

  5. 11 gen 2010 · Anne Frank July 11, 1943. Miep Gies, the last surviving and best known helper of Anne Frank and the people who shared her hiding place in an Amsterdam canalside house, has died in Hoorn on 11 January at the age of 100. Right until the end Miep remained deeply involved with the remembrance of Anne Frank and spreading the message of her story.

  6. Miep Gies nacque il 15 febbraio 1909 a Vienna, la capitale dell’allora Impero austro-ungarico, con il nome di Hermine Santrouschitz. La famiglia della giovane viveva da tempo in difficoltà economiche, ma dopo la fine della Prima guerra mondiale la situazione si aggravò drammaticamente per i Santrouschitz e diventò per loro impossibile prendersi cura della figlia.

  7. 11 gen 2010 · Miep Gies was born on 15 February 1909 in Vienna (Austria) as Hermine Santrouschitz. The Santrouschitz family was Catholic and not well-off. Because there was not a lot of food available after the First World War, Miep even became malnourished.