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  1. Katie Watson. 01865 277765. Email. Katie manages the technical elements and practical arrangements of the Undergraduate Admissions exercise and is the first point of contact for applicants and their schools with enquiries about the procedure for making applications, and the way in which applications are considered.

  2. Bellissimo college, con tutto quello che di bello, magico e sacro ti saresti aspettato da Oxford. Una giardino che pare incantato nel silenzio dei suoi alberi imponenti, sale di lettura, una sala mensa che sembra presa da un film di Harry Potter, severi per le stanze degli studenti. Stonano solo i turisti quando sono troppi ma basta andarci ...

  3. Whatever the exact date, if the age of a College is to be computed from the date when its members first lived communally where they do today, then Balliol is the oldest College in the University. When John Balliol died in 1269, his widow Dervorguilla put his arrangements on a permanent basis, and she is honoured as co-Founder with him.

  4. Geschiedenis. Het college werd onder leiding van de bisschop van Durham in 1263 gesticht door John I de Balliol, een Schotse edelman van Picardische oorsprong. Na zijn dood in 1269, maakte zijn weduwe Dervorguilla van Galloway de stichting definitief: ze bracht de nodige goederen in en formuleerde in 1282 de statuten van het college.

  5. Balliol College virtual tour. 360° views of Balliol College. These images cover facilities such as the dining hall, library, JCR, chapel, as well as an example of the garden or quad, and the porters’ lodge. You may also like to visit the college website for more images.

  6. Balliol College är ett college vid Oxfords universitet, beläget vid Broad Street i den norra delen av Oxfords historiska innerstad. Det grundades omkring 1263 av John de Balliol och är ett av universitetets tre äldsta college (de andra två är University College och Merton College ).

  7. Balliol Sanctuary Fund. Creating sustainable, long-term and secure funding for scholars seeking sanctuary from crisis.