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  1. 28 nov 2017 · J.M. Barrie took this photo of Sylvia Llewelyn Davies in 1898. She was the mother of the five boys who inspired Barrie to write his story about “Peter Pan.” However, it seemed that the tragedies for the Llewelyn Davies family would never come to an end, as in 1915 another misfortune struck them.

  2. Llewelyn Davies is the formal surname of the family whose boys inspired J. M. Barrie to create the characters of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys: Llewelyn Davies, Arthur , father of the boys Llewelyn Davies, Sylvia , mother of the boys

  3. 8 gen 2019 · J.M. Barrie took this photo of Sylvia Llewelyn Davies in 1898. She was the mother of the five boys who inspired Barrie to write his story about “Peter Pan.” Although eternalized in one of the favorite characters of all time, tragedy haunted the Llewelyn Davies’ brothers like a curse.

  4. Biografia Primi anni e identificazione con Peter Pan Barrie mentre gioca sul prato col piccolo Michael. Michael era il quarto dei cinque figli di Arthur e Sylvia Llewelyn Davies e quando nacque Barrie era già intimo amico di famiglia da almeno tre anni; dei bambini, lui e il fratello George furono i due più vicini allo scrittore mentre questi ideava le storie e i personaggi riguardanti Peter ...

  5. Michael Llewelyn Davies’ still not fully explained death is discussed in more detail further down. George. Sylvia and Arthur Llewelyn Davies’ eldest son, George (Nick Roud in Finding Neverland) was an important inspiration for the early versions of Peter Pan – he was 10 when the play came out – and Neverland’s assorted Lost Boys.

  6. Trama. Nel 1903, a seguito del triste ricevimento della sua ultima commedia, Little Mary, Sir James Matthew Barrie,un drammaturgo di 43 anni, incontra la vedova Sylvia Llewelyn Davies e i suoi quattro giovani figli (George, Jack, Peter e Michael) a Kensington Gardens e con il passare del tempo, tra loro, si sviluppa una forte e stretta amicizia.

  7. Personality... warm, free-spirited, and tender. As a mother, Sylvia wants nothing more than what's best for her boys. Her desire for them to have an easy and well-educated upbringing, however, conflicts with the ways in which she defies upper class conventions. Sylvia believes in happiness and imagination, and aims to instill such values in her ...