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  1. 9 mag 2024 · Philipp von Katzenelnbogen, born in 1427, died on 27 February 1453, 26 years old Married in 1450 to Ottilie von Nassau-Dillenburg , born in 1437, died in 1493, 56 years old

  2. Philipp I. von Katzenelnbogen, genannt der Ältere (* 1402; † 27. Juni 1479 ), war von 1444 bis 1479 Graf von Katzenelnbogen und der letzte männliche Nachkomme der Grafen von Katzenelnbogen (seine beiden Söhne starben vor ihm).

  3. Countess Ottilie of Nassau-Siegen (before or on 18 April 1437 – July 1493), German: Ottilie Gräfin von Nassau-Siegen, official titles: Gräfin zu Nassau, Vianden und Diez, was a countess from the House of Nassau-Siegen, a cadet branch of the Ottonian Line of the House of Nassau, and through marriage respectively Countess of Katzenelnbogen and Countess of Tierstein.

  4. 1453 (26) Hans von Stetten ist Diener Philipps (6372) 1453 Februar 27 . Philipp der Jüngere stirbt in Darmstadt nach wiederholter schwerer Krankheit. anders lautende Behauptung: Er sei in Brügge erstochen worden! 1453 Eucharius Wollschläger wird Knecht Graf Philipps von Katzenelnbogen-Diez. (4863)

  5. Filippo era il quinto figlio maschio del margravio Cristoforo I di Baden e di Ottilia von Katzenelnbogen.Suo padre intendeva evitare di dividere l'eredità e considerava Filippo il più capace tra i suoi figli, sicché voleva che egli ereditasse la sovranità su tutti i suoi territori.

  6. Philipp von Katzenelnbogen was the son of Philipp, Graf zu Katzenelnbogen and his first wife Anna von Württemberg. He married Ottilie von Nassau about 1451, and had one child: Ottilie von Katzenelnbogen, wife of Christoph, margrave of Baden. He died in Baden on 27 February 1453 [1] .

  7. › wiki › Ottilie_von_KatzenelnbogenOttilie of Katzenelnbogen

    Ottilie of Katzenelnbogen (ca. 1451 [1] – 15 August 1517, Baden-Baden), was by marriage Margravine of Baden-Baden. Life She was the only child of Philipp II the Younger of Katzenelnbogen (1427 – 27 February 1453) and Ottilie of Nassau-Dillenburg (April 1437 – July 1493).