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  1. guilt n (responsibility) responsabilità nf : The guilt lies with the person who started this whole thing. La responsabilità è di chi ha dato inizio a tutto questo.

  2. Traduzioni in contesto per "guilt" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: guilt trip, admission of guilt, guilt or innocence, guilt about, guilt over.

  3. Traduzione per 'guilt' nel dizionario inglese-italiano gratuito e tante altre traduzioni in italiano.

  4. Acknowledging the feelings of remorse, anger, guilt, inadequacy, humiliation, and fear is the first step toward resolution and an important prerequisite for the other steps. Da Cambridge English Corpus

  5. Inglese. Italiano. guilty adj. (culpable, to blame) colpevole, responsabile agg. The detective inspector questioned the suspect to ascertain whether she was guilty. L'ispettore di polizia interrogò la sospettata per verificare se fosse colpevole. guilty of [sth] adj + prep. (responsible for a crime, etc.)

  6. the fact or state of having done something wrong or committed a crime: In the US, people accused of a crime are presumed to be innocent until their guilt is proven. Guilt is also a feeling of anxiety or unhappiness that you have done something immoral or wrong, such as causing harm to another person:

  7. n. 1 colpevolezza f. ( anche Dir ). 2 ( feeling of culpability) colpa f., senso m. di colpa: to be tormented by guilt essere tormentato dalla colpa. Le parole più cercate. guilder. guildhall....