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  1. 8 set 2022 · 08 Sep 2022. “The Provost & Fellows and the Head Master, on behalf of all the staff and boys at Eton College, mourn the death of Her Majesty the Queen and offer their deepest sympathy and condolences to the Royal Family. Like the whole nation, we remember with gratitude her extraordinary service to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.

  2. › outside-the-classroom › sportSport - Eton College

    Sport at Eton. Sport has been central to the Eton curriculum for some time – the first ever recorded inter-school fixture is an Eton v Westminster cricket match in 1796, amateur rowing was established here and the Eton House Field Game trophy is even older than the FA Cup. In the 21st century we provide organised sport on six afternoons per week.

  3. 05 Feb 2020. Co-Curricular. Alasdair, Year 12. For those who don’t know, the Field Game is a form of football devised and played only at Eton College. With the rules dating back to as early as 1847 (potentially 1815, but this is disputed), the Field Game is one of two early ancestors of football to have emerged from the school.

  4. 27 giu 2019 · Infatti, Eton College è molto di più di un liceo: la loro unicità e forza che li ha caratterizzati come educatori è quella di formare degli individui ‘completi’ da tutti i punti di vista. Le attività extracurricolari spaziano dagli sport al teatro e la musica, in modo tale che gli studenti sviluppino delle passioni, e soprattutto la voglia e determinazione di investire tempo e impegno ...

  5. apr 2017. Eton ha sempre il suo perché: sarà per i suoi illustri ex allievi, sarà per il posto (Eton e Windsor sono divise da un piccolo ponte dal quale si gode di una vista spettacolare), resta il fatto che vale sempre la pena fare una visita alla più famosa public school del Regno Unito. In alcuni periodi dell’anno la scuola è aperta ...

  6. 1 giu 2020 · When people think about Eton College, some of its traditions tend to jump to mind. Having asked my housemates, school dress, chapel, the unique sports, the unique punishments and the single-sex nature of the school were those most often mentioned, and would probably reflect the pre-conceptions of public and tourists.

  7. 23 apr 2024 · Eton College has a vacancy for a Music Schools Evening Steward to join our thriving Music Department. This is a part-time, permanent position where you will be based in beautiful and historic surroundings of Eton College. The Music Schools is a very large and busy department with a high level of weekly activity that includes; over 60 academic ...