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  1. Stowe School成立於1923年,座落在 Buckingham一座宏偉的公爵府邸內,環繞著面積750英畝的園林綠地,風景秀麗,環境優美。因此,於2009年獲 The Weeks 雜誌選為the ‘Most beautiful school’。

  2. The Stowe House Preservation Trust (SHPT) is an independent charity working in partnership with Stowe School, as the building’s tenant, and the National Trust, who manage Stowe’s landscape gardens in which the house is sited. Formed in 1997 to raise funds for and carry out a £40m restoration programme, SHPT has, since 2000, delivered some ...

  3. Stowe School, Stowe, Buckingham MK18 5EH Reception Tel: +44 (0)1280 818000 Email:

  4. Información sobre Stowe School. La experiencia académica de Stowe está diseñada para fomentar la curiosidad intelectual, la sed por el aprendizaje y la independencia de pensamiento y expresión. Pedimos a los Stoicos, como llamamos a los alumnos de Stowe, que se comprometan y que muestren entusiasmo por aprender, que no se amedrenten ante ...

  5. TOP ENGLISCHES INTERNAT - STOWE SCHOOL. Photos ansehen. Internat in England - Stowe School - Privatschule mit Werten! Die Stowe School ist ein privates Internat in Buckingham, England, das Jungen und Mädchen zwischen 13 und 18 Jahren eine hervorragende Ausbildung ermöglicht.

  6. Школа Stowe School была открыта в 1923 году. На сегодняшний день она является одним из престижнейших учебных заведений Великобритании, ориентированных на подготовку школьников к поступлению в Оксфорд и Кембридж

  7. Stowe is home to a number of international pupils, all from a wide range of diverse backgrounds. We recognise that pupils attending School from abroad may face additional challenges, and may also wish to pursue academic and non academic pursuits which may not be available in their home nation. As such, we offer support for all our international ...