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  1. The Fridericianum was founded in 1779 as one of the first public museums in the world. Since 1988 it has been an internationally renowned art gallery. A broad spectrum of contemporary art, from new discoveries to more established works, is displayed in over 2,000 square meters of exhibition space. Moritz Wesseler has been director of the ...

  2. Collegium Fridericianum (též Friedrichs-Kollegium nebo Friedrichskolleg) byla latinská škola ve východopruském Královci. Nazvána byla podle pruského krále Fridricha I. Škola byla založena roku 1698 a stala se významným centrem pietismu ve východní Evropě.

  3. Collegium Fridericianum. Il Collegium Fridericianum, anche conosciuto come Friedrichskolleg, Friedrichskollegium, e Friedrichs-Kollegium, è stato una palestra prestigiosa in Königsberg, la Germania. Gli ex-allievi sono stati conosciuti come Friderizianer. Storia Il 18esimo secolo

  4. Filosofo (Königsberg 1724 - ivi 1804). Di genitori pietisti, K. ricevette, specie dalla madre, una severa educazione etico-religiosa: frequentò il Collegium Fridericianum, diretto dal pastore F. A. Schultz, dove compì gli studî medî, e s'iscrisse quindi all'università.

  5. Sin embargo, cuando aprendió hablar hebreo, algunos dicen que fue él quien lo cambió por Immanuel. Esta actitud, independiente y emancipada, tal vez podría resumir parte de su personalidad y posición frente a las cosas y al mundo, la cual demostró en los primeros años de estudiante en el Collegium Fridericianum.

  6. The Fridericianum is an open house that wishes to provide access to as many visitors as possible. People with over 50% disability pay a reduced admission fee of EUR 4. People accompanying individuals with a “B” on their Disability Card are admitted free of charge. Guide dogs are allowed throughout the building.

  7. Startseite. Willkommen auf der Homepage der Friderizianer. Hier finden Sie Informationen über die Professor-Schumacher-, die Rosemarie- und Dr.-Wolfgang-Simon- sowie die Christa- und Paul-Frühbrodt-Stiftung, die alle auf der Grundlage der Patenschaft zwischen dem Collegium Fridericianum im ehemaligen Königsberg und dem Landfermann Gymnasium Duisburg entstanden sind.