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  1. 聖保祿學校(小學部)(St. Paul's Convent School (Primary Section)) 是位於灣仔區的一間私立全日小學,學校面積約 8826平方米屬於女校,該校辦學宗旨是「以基督精神之價值觀為本,為學生提供美好的教與學氣氛,達致幫助學生全面發展其智能及品德的成長。

  2. St. Paul’s Convent High School, Jammu is owned and established by the Diocese of Jammu-Srinagar (Catholic Church of Jammu and Kashmir) and administered by its subsidiary wing known as the Diocese of Jammu-Srinagar Education Society (Regd. N1601-S of 1989) under the provisions of article 30 (1) of the Indian Constitution principally for the benefits of the Christians in addition to others ...

  3. St. Paul’s Convent Sr. Sec. School, Ujjain, opened on 4th July 1979, is a Catholic Christian Institution under the management of the Diocese of Ujjain. This Charitable and Educational Society was registered under Madhya Pradesh Society Registration Act 1973, on 14th November 1973, Reg. No. 3483. The school is affiliated to Central Board of ...

  4. Address. St. Paul's Convent School, Dasuya Hoshiarpur-144 205 . +91-9478675098 (Calls will be attended only during school working hours)

  5. Here is how we create the artificial skin | Jenna Wong 黃安恩 & Clarissa Yung 容幸之 | TEDxYouth@HongKong. Filter:

  6. 2023-2024 SPCS PTA Executive Committee. Welcome to St. Paul’s Convent School PTA! Whether you’re new or returning, we’re excited to have you as part of our vibrant family! The PTA is dedicated to fostering collaboration between parents, teachers, and the School. Together, we’ll create a pleasant and purposeful learning environment for ...

  7. St.Paul’s Convent High School Carmel Blossom Kindergarten 205, Dr.Ambedkar Road, Dadar (East), Mumbai - 400 014