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  1. Cugino, genero e quarto successore di Maometto come capo della comunità musulmana (Mecca forse 600 - Kūfa 661). Fu tra i primi seguaci dell'Islām, e sposò la figlia del Profeta, Fāṭima. Alla morte di Maometto aspirò invano al califfato, cui pervenne solo nel 656, all'uccisione di ῾ Othmān della cui morte fu moralmente tenuto ...

  2. Ali ibn Abi Talib (arabe أبو الحسن علي بن أبي طالب, Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib; naskiĝis en 600 en Mekao, mortis en 661 en Kufa) estis araba kalifo. Li estis kuzo kaj bofilo de Mohamedo , kaj konsideriĝas unu el la ĉefpersonoj de la frua historio de Islamo .

  3. Ali ibn Abi Talib (arabiska: عَلِيّ بْن أَبِي طَالِب, ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib), vanligen benämnd Ali, kallad de troendes befälhavare, född 21 mars 600 i Mecka, död 28 januari 661 i Kufa, Irak, [6] var det islamiska rikets fjärde kalif från 656 till sin död.

  4. Birth and Martyrdom The first Imam of the Shi’ah, Imam Ali (a.s.), was born on thirteenth of Rajab, thirty years after ‘amul Fil in Mecca, inside the Ka’bah. His father was Abu Talib and his mother was Fatimah Binti ‘Asad. His nicknames were Abu Turab, Abul Hasan, Abus Sibtayn, and Abur Riyhanatayn. His titles were Amiral Mu’minin, Sayyidul Muslimin, Imamul Muttaqin, and Sayyidul ...

  5. Ali ibn Abi Talib era primo de Muhammad, filho de seu tio, Abu Talib. Muhammad, órfão em tenra idade, foi levado para a casa de seu tio e criado lá. Mais tarde, quando o próprio tio ficou empobrecido, Muhammad levou seu jovem primo Ali para sua própria casa para aliviar o fardo de seu tio.

  6. Ali belonged to the clan of banu hashim, the most distinguished clan in all Arabia; and in Banu Hashim, he belonged to the most distinguished family – the family of Abdul Muttalib. Abdul Muttalib had ten sons. Two of them were Abdullah, the father of Muhammad Mustafa, and Abu Talib, the father of Ali. Abdullah and Abu Talib were the children of the same mother whereas their other brothers ...

  7. A nedzsefi Ali imám mecset a síiták egyik legszentebb helye Ali ibn Abi Talib meggyilkolása - festő: Yousef Abdinejad. A fejsebet kapott Ali három nappal a merénylet után hunyt el. Síita berkekben elterjedt nézet, hogy úgy rendelkezett: titokban temessék el, nehogy ellenfelei megszentségtelenítsék a sírját.