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  1. 18 ore fa · Scopriamo che Lale (Jonah Hauer-King) era un 26enne polacco quando partì come volontario, nel 1942, per partecipare a quello che doveva essere un campo di lavoro per ebrei. Ma, purtroppo, come sappiamo, si ritrovò catapultato all’inferno.

  2. 18 ore fa · Segundo a sinopse, O Tatuador de Auschiwtz conta-nos a história real de Lali (Jonah Hauer-King), um judeu eslovaco levado em 1942 para o campo de concentração de Auschwitz-Birkenau. Lá, foi designado como um dos Tätowierer (tatuadores), encarregado de tatuar números de identificação nos braços dos companheiros prisioneiros, e conhece Gita (Anna Próchniak), ao tatuar o número de ...

  3. 18 ore fa · Starring Jonah Hauer-King and Anna Prochniak The Tattooist of Auschwitz airs on Sky Atlantic HD at 9:00 PM, Sunday 26 May . (Subtitles, repeat, audio description.)

  4. 18 ore fa · Jonah Hauer-King (Prince Eric in the live-action Little Mermaid) plays Lali as a young man, and Anna Prochniak (Baptiste) plays Gita. Harvey Keitel plays the widowed Lali decades later, ...

  5. 18 ore fa · The songs were pretty great, but my two favorites were easily Part of Your world (Halle Bailey has a great voice) and Wild Uncharted Waters (which is a new song for this movie). I didn't really know anything about Jonah Hauer-King going in, but now I know that he has a great voice that really makes the song stand out from so many classics.

  6. 18 ore fa · casting-network. Das Branchenportal hat das Ziel, die Abläufe und Ergebnisse bei der Suche nach der richtigen Besetzung zu verbessern. Professionelle Schauspieler werden mit den Fachleuten der nationalen und internationalen Filmbranche vernetzt.

  7. 18 ore fa · 影片从家喻户晓的安徒生童话中汲取灵感,以天真、勇敢兼具反叛精神的美人鱼爱丽儿(海莉·贝利 Halle Bailey 饰)为主角。渴望探索大海以外世界的她爱上了人类王子亚历克(乔纳·豪尔-金 Jonah Hauer-King 饰)。