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  1. › film › compliance-wik8tbyyCinematografo: Film

    In un fast-food situato in una zona suburbana dell'Ohio è una giornata particolarmente impegnativa quando Sandra, la direttrice stressata e sopraffatta dalle sue responsabilità imprenditoriali, riceve la telefonata di un agente di polizia che le comunica il furto commesso da parte di una delle sue dipendenti, Becky. Convinta di compiere solo il suo dovere, Sandra inizia le indagini seguendo ...

  2. Compliance, film che viene direttamente sui nostri schermi dai maggiori festival cinematografici mondiali, racconta principalmente di un caso di cronaca terribile.Ma non un singolo caso, bensi' uno scherzo telefonico che si e' ripetuto negli States, per ben 30 volte con conseguenze drammatiche.

  3. Compliance is extremely well-done & also incredibly disturbing. The fact that the events in the film actually occurred is unsettling & horrible, but unfortunately not surprising. I've only seen it once, and not sure I want to watch it again.

  4. 19 nov 2021 · Compliance is one of the most bizarre films you’ll watch.The fact that it’s based on a true story adds to its odd nature. In the film, a man posing as a police officer called a fast-food chain named ChickWich to report a theft. He provides the manager, Sandra, with a description of the su

  5. 22 mag 2024 · Perhaps one of the most famous whistleblowers of our age, Edward Snowden (played in this film brilliantly by Joseph Gordon-Levitt) was a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) subcontractor who leaked information about illegal mass surveillance conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013 to the press.

  6. › detail › ComplianceCompliance - Prime Video

    A normal Friday service at a fast food restaurant becomes interrupted by a police officer who claims an employee stole from a customer, but something more sinister is going on.