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  1. "Remembering the Artist: Robert De Niro, Sr." is an American documentary produced by HBO that runs for 39 minutes. It was made by two-time Emmy Award winner Geeta Gandbhir and Perri Peltz 2 years ago and the title already tells you what this is about: the father of Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro, a fairly successful artist.

  2. 29 nov 2020 · Mișcările artistice sunt puternice. Atât de puternice încât pot ascunde marii artiști care nu se potrivesc genului. Singura speranță a unui artist este să fie “redescoperit” după moarte. Așa s-a întâmplat și cu un pictor a cărui muncă a fost readusă în lumina reflectoarelor de omul care l-a cunoscut cel mai bine, fiul lui, care este și unul dintre cei mai faimoși actori ...

  3. 9 giu 2014 · De Niro’s effort here, in Remembering the Artist, Robert De Niro, Sr., premiering on HBO 9 June, is of a piece with a broader contemplation of how art might be valued, how eras might be defined ...

  4. An official selection at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival, Remembering the Artist Robert De Niro, Sr. is a portrait of the esteemed figurative painter by the man who knew him best: his son. In intimate interviews, actor Robert De Niro, Jr. profiles an artist whose talent went largely unrecognized as the pop-art movement swept the nation in the 1960s, and looks at the relationship between a ...

  5. 28 dic 2014 · L’attore di C’era una volta in America, di Taxi Driver, di Cape Fear parla di suo padre pittore nel documentario Remembering the Artist Robert De Niro, Sr. di Perri Peltz e Geeta Gandbhir ...

  6. 9 mar 2015 · Una delle leggende del cinema americano, Robert De Niro, offre voce e volto per raccontare al pubblico un “altro” Robert De Niro: suo padre, Robert De Niro Sr, anch’egli un artista, benché ...

  7. Robert De Niro Jr. When you hear the name Robert De Niro, you think of one of our greatest actors, but there was another man by that name who was a very talented painter. It was his father, Robert De Niro Sr. It’s been more than 20 years since De Niro Sr.’s death at age […]