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  1. 13 apr 2019 · Lucrecia Mott, abolicionista y defensora de las mujeres. Massachusetts, 1793, desde joven lucha en contra del abolicionismo y a favor de los derechos de las mujeres. Hacia 1830, Lucrecia Mott era una reconocida abolicionista, junto con su marido trabajaba de manera intensa a favor de la abolición de la esclavitud.

  2. 1793-1880. Lucretia Coffin Mott was an early feminist activist and strong advocate for ending slavery. A powerful orator, she dedicated her life to speaking out against racial and gender injustice. Born on January 3, 1793 on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, Mott was the second of Thomas Coffin Jr.’s and Anna Folger Mott’s five children.

  3. 24 feb 2018 · Abolicionista y feminista, Lucretia Mott (1793-1880) Lucretia Mott es uno de los nombres propios de la historia del feminismo en los Estados Unidos. Como muchas otras feministas en Norte América, Lucretia inició sus reivindicaciones sociales en la lucha contra la esclavitud. Su ímpetu y fuerza de voluntad pudieron con una salud frágil.

  4. Lucretia Mott. Lucretia Mott (1793-1880) was a Quaker and a “non-resistant” pacifist who was committed to black emancipation and women’s rights. As a woman, her role in official abolitionist movements was fraught with difficulties. In 1840, she and six other American female delegates to the World Anti-Slavery Convention in England were ...

  5. Lucretia Coffin Mott nacque negli Stati Uniti nel 1793 a Nantucket, un'isola che fa parte dello stato del Massachusetts, nella Nuova Inghilterra. Nel 1804 si trasferì con la famiglia a Boston e nel 1811 sposò James Mott, un commerciante che si prodigava in una campagna per il solo acquisto di prodotti che non provenivano dal lavoro degli schiavi.

  6. 14 apr 2022 · This realization was the start of Mott’s lifelong fight for fairness and justice for the rights of the most disenfranchised — women and enslaved people. Lucretia Mott co-founded the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society in 1833 and went on to help organize the 1848 Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York.

  7. 4 Lucretia Mott (1793-1880) è stata un’attivista statunitense che lottò a favore dell’abolizionismo negli Stati Uniti e per i diritti delle donne. Fu tra le organizzatrici della Convention di Seneca Falls nel 1848 insieme a Stanton.