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  1. 2 giorni fa · The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, also known as simply the March on Washington or the Great March on Washington, was held in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963. The purpose of the march was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans.

  2. 2 giorni fa · On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas.

  3. 2 giorni fa · Poco dopo, Stati Uniti e Unione Sovietica raggiunsero un accordo che portò al trattato sulla messa al bando parziale degli esperimenti nucleari del 5 agosto 1963, che vietava i test atomici in atmosfera.

  4. 2 giorni fa · Papa Giovanni XXIII, nato Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (in latino Ioannes PP. XXIII; Sotto il Monte, 25 novembre 1881 – Città del Vaticano, 3 giugno 1963), è stato il 261º vescovo di Roma e papa della Chiesa cattolica, primate d'Italia e 3º sovrano dello Stato della Città del Vaticano, oltre agli altri titoli propri del romano pontefice, dal 28 ottobre 1958 alla sua morte.

  5. › wiki › 19631963 – Wikipedia

    2 giorni fa · Prägende Ereignisse im Jahr 1963 sind insbesondere die Ermordung von US-Präsident John F. Kennedy im November, sowie dessen berühmter Besuch in West-Berlin wenige Monate zuvor ( Ich bin ein Berliner -Rede). In den USA erlangt die Bürgerrechtsbewegung unter Martin Luther King mit ihrer Forderung gleicher Rechte für Afroamerikaner Bedeutung.

  6. 2 giorni fa · On November 21, 1963, the day before his assassination, U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy—accompanied by his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, and U.S. Vice Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson—undertook a two-day five-city trip to Texas.

  7. 5 giorni fa · The 1963 Formula One season was the 17th season of FIA Formula One motor racing. It featured the 14th World Championship of Drivers , the 6th International Cup for F1 Manufacturers , and numerous non-championship Formula One races.