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  1. 9 mar 2024 · Ed Guiney on the role of a producer: "More than anything, we're prospectors mining for gold". Guiney shared the most important role of the producer. "A lot of people think producers are all about ...

  2. Tannahill and Bravo are also executive producers on the series, along with Ed Guiney, Andrew Lowe, Chelsea Morgan Hoffmann and Rachel Dargavel for Element Pictures, Rebecca Ferguson for the BBC, and Alice Birch. The series is produced by Ed King. In February 2024, Rebecca Hall was confirmed in the lead role.

  3. Halaman ini terakhir diubah pada 21 Februari 2022, pukul 12.43. Teks tersedia di bawah Lisensi Atribusi-BerbagiSerupa Creative Commons; ketentuan tambahan mungkin berlaku.

  4. Guerra civile della Guinea-Bissau. Almeno 655 morti nei combattimenti e 350.000 sfollati. La guerra civile della Guinea-Bissau è stata combattuta dal 7 giugno 1998 al 10 maggio 1999 ed è stata innescata da un tentativo di colpo di stato contro il governo del presidente João Bernardo Vieira guidato dal generale di brigata Ansumane Mané. [1]

  5. Ini adalah halaman pembicaraan untuk diskusi terkait perbaikan pada artikel Ed Guiney. Halaman ini bukanlah sebuah forum untuk diskusi umum tentang subjek artikel. Letakkan teks baru di bawah teks lama. Tanda tangani pesan Anda dengan mengetikkan empat tilda (~~~~). Baru bergabung dengan Wikipedia? Selamat datang! Pelajari cara menyunting ...

  6. 1966. Ed Guiney (born 18 February 1966) is an Irish film producer and the co-founder of Element Pictures, best known for producing the 2015 films The Lobster and Room, 2016's A Date for Mad Mary, and 2018's The Favourite. Room and A Date for Mad Mary earned him an IFTA Award for Best Film. He has been nominated for two Academy Awards for Best ...

  7. La Guinea Equatoriale è un Paese situato sulla costa occidentale dell' Africa. È costituita dal Río Muni (noto anche come Regione Continentale), sul continente, e da cinque isole (note collettivamente come Guinea Equatoriale insulare): Bioko (l'ex Fernando Po), Corisco, Elobey Grande, Elobey Piccola ( Elobey Chico) e Annobón (Pagalu).