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  1. Elections. The Democratic Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. Since the 1850s, its main political rival has been the Republican Party, and the two parties have dominated American politics ever since. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828.

  2. The Christian Democratic Party ( Partito Democratico Cristiano) was a minor Christian-democratic Italian political party . It was founded in 2000 by Flaminio Piccoli, Clelio Darida, Carlo Senaldi and Alfredo Vito as the electoral arm of the new Christian Democracy. Alfredo Vito, who took the party leadership in July of that year, led the group ...

  3. The Italian Communist Party (Italian: Partito Comunista Italiano, PCI) was a communist and democratic socialist political party in Italy. It was founded in Livorno as the Communist Party of Italy ( Italian : Partito Comunista d'Italia , PCd'I ) on 21 January 1921, when it seceded from the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), [1] under the leadership of Amadeo Bordiga , Antonio Gramsci , and Nicola ...

  4. The new party, like its predecessors, was hampered by provisions in the Italian Constitution of 1946 making it all but impossible to restore the monarchy short of adopting a new constitution. The document specifically forbade a referendum on changing the republican form of government, and (until 2002) barred male members of the House of Savoy from returning to Italy.

  5. Democratic Party. The United States Democratic Party is one of the two biggest political parties in the United States. Since the mid-1850's, the party's main opponent has been the Republican Party. Both political parties have controlled American politics ever since. The party sits at the centre to centre-left of the American political spectrum ...

  6. Democratic Left ( Italian: Sinistra Democratica, SD ), whose complete name was Democratic Left. For European Socialism ( Sinistra Democratica. Per il Socialismo Europeo ), was a democratic-socialist political party in Italy . SD was founded on 5 May 2007 by splinters of the Democrats of the Left (DS) led by Fabio Mussi and Gavino Angius, who ...

  7. Elections. The Labour Democratic Party ( Italian: Partito Democratico del Lavoro ), previously known as Labour Democracy ( Italian: Democrazia del Lavoro ), was an anti-fascist, social-democratic, and social-liberal political party in Italy. Founded in 1943 as the heir of the defunct Italian Reformist Socialist Party, it was formed by members ...