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  1. 1 gen 2009 · The parallels seem almost infinite--between Lord Beauchamp and Lord Marchmain, Hugh Lygon and Sebastian, and the two great houses, magnificent Brideshead and Madresfield, the Lygons' moated manor house in Worcestershire Paula Byrne is the latest to explore the people and the story that inspired the book and she does so with acuity and panache.

  2. Hugh Patrick Lygon, Kasım 1904'te doğdu ve 19 Ağustos 1936'da Rothenburg, Bavyera'da öldü , zamanının yüksek sosyetesinin bir parçası olan İngiliz bir aristokrattır. O ikinci oğlu Beauchamp Earl ve o birlikte model olabilirsiniz Alastair Graham , Lord Sebastian Flyte karakterine Evelyn Waugh'un romanı , Brideshead Revisited .

  3. Hugh Lygon and Waugh visited Lord Beauchamp there, inspiring the visit to Lord Marchmain in the novel. Graham, Waugh’s Oxford paramour, was not an aristocrat.

  4. Hugh Patrick Lygon was the second son of William Lygon, 7th Earl Beauchamp, and is often believed to be the inspiration for Lord Sebastian Flyte in Evelyn Waugh"s Brideshead Revisited.

  5. 12 apr 2012 · Lygon was one of two Oxford students who, like Sebastian Flyte, carried a teddy bear. The other was John Betjeman. But Lygon became an alcoholic and died young in a car accident in Germany in 1936.

  6. 4 set 2011 · 1945年,小说《旧地重游》出版后,英国作家毛姆(Somerset Maugham,他是著名的双性恋)认为Sebastian Flyte的原型人物就是Hugh Lygon。毛姆跟利根一家交往很深,Hugh跟毛姆还曾经在法国南部待过一段时间。毛姆说,“我们当然都知道塞巴斯蒂安是谁。

  7. Waugh would remember that the club became "notorious not only for drunkenness but for flamboyance of dress and manner which was in some cases patently homosexual".[4] The "gay set" of the Hypocrites' Club listed Arden Hilliard, Hugh Lygon, Harold Acton, Mark Ogilvie-Grant, John "The Widow" Lloyd, Robert Byron, and Gavin Henderson.[2]