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  1. Stephen Arnold Douglas (April 23, 1813 – June 3, 1861) was an American politician from Illinois. He was a U.S. Representative, a U.S. Senator, and the Democratic Party nominee for President in the 1860 election, losing to Republican Abraham Lincoln .

  2. 15 mar 2019 · Lincoln-Douglas Debates. In the summer and the fall of 1858 two of the most influential statesmen of the late antebellum era, Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln faced off in a series of debates focused on slavery as they vied for a United States Senate seat representing Illinois. In the long term, the Lincoln-Douglas debates propelled Lincoln ...

  3. 12 feb 2021 · Abraham Lincoln’s fame in the 1850s owed mainly to his provoking a public quarrel with Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas over the correct interpretation of the American founders. As the nation grew increasingly divided over the future of slavery, Lincoln and the new Republican Party sought to prevent the expansion of slavery into federal territories […]

  4. 3. Stephen Douglas was one of the brokers of the Compromise of 1850 which sought to avert a sectional crisis; to further deal with the volatile issue of extending slavery into the territories, Douglas became the foremost advocate of popular sovereignty, which held that each territory should be allowed to determine whether to permit slavery within its borders.

  5. 16 dic 2021 · Originario de Vermont, Stephen Douglas nació en 1813. Pasó sus primeros años en el noreste y se mudó a Illinois en 1833. Durante un tiempo trabajó como profesor, pero pronto comenzó a estudiar derecho. En 1847 se casó con Martha Martin, cuyo padre dejó a la pareja una vasta plantación en Mississippi a su muerte, dándoles una cantidad ...

  6. Stephen Arnold Douglas fue un político estadounidense de Illinois. Fue un representante de los EE. UU., senador, y candidato a presidente por el Partido Demócrata en las elecciones de 1860, perdiendo ante el republicano Abraham Lincoln. Douglas había derrotado previamente a Lincoln en una disputa en el Senado, conocida por los famosos debates Lincoln-Douglas de 1858. Fue apodado el ...

  7. Stephen Arnold Douglas è stato un politico statunitense, senatore del Partito democratico per lo stato dell'Illinois. Era soprannominato "Little Giant", cioè "piccolo gigante". Si candidò alle elezioni presidenziali degli Stati Uniti del 1860, venendo sconfitto dal candidato del Partito Repubblicano Abraham Lincoln. Fu un leader di partito ingegnoso e un tattico abile, pronto nel dibattito ...