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  1. 27 ago 2018 · Empress of Rome Livia Drusilla. Livia (58 B.C. - A.D.29) was a long-lived, influential matriarchal figure in the early years of the Roman Principate. She was held up as an example of womanly virtue and simplicity. Her reputation has also been negative: she may have been a murderer and has been described as treacherous, avaricious, and power-hungry.

  2. 14 mag 2021 · Livia Drusilla morì 15 anni dopo il marito, ed allora il nipote Claudio, la divinizzò e divenne la Diva (divina) Augusta. Le donne romane giuravano nel nome “della diva Augusta”.

  3. Livia Drusilla enters the historical narrative only because of her marriage to Octavian (Augustus), first emperor of Rome, who reshaped all Roman political structures. But because of her honored position as his consort and her creative use of the attendant privileges, she became a revered model of correct feminine behavior in her own time and for centuries after her death.

  4. 4 gen 2022 · Livia Drusilla fu una donna straordinaria per il suo tempo, una donna che – per prima nella storia romana – riuscì a conquistare un potere pari a quello di un uomo, un traguardo che, tuttavia, raggiunse al prezzo di congiure e dell’affetto dei suoi cari. Pubblicato. in. Nell'antica Roma, i matrimoni venivano celebrati quasi ...

  5. Villa di Livia. La villa di Livia o villa di Prima Porta è un sito archeologico di Roma, che corrisponde all'antica villa di Livia Drusilla, moglie dell'imperatore Augusto. Qui, tra gli importantissimi ritrovamenti, fu rinvenuta anche la celebre statua di Augusto loricato .

  6. Livia Drusilla (30. ledna 58 př. n. l. – 28. září 29 n. l.) (nebo také Julia Augusta) byla římská císařovna, třetí manželka Augusta. Svůj značný vliv uplatňovala ve prospěch svých synů z prvního manželství, zejména Tiberia , a naopak se snažila eliminovat potomky Augusta, mj.

  7. 7 dic 2022 · Here are 10 facts about the first Roman Empress Livia Drusilla. 1. Her early life is clouded in mystery. Roman society was heavily male dominated, with women often ignored in written records. Born 30 January 58 BC, Livia was the daughter of Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus. Little is known about her early life, with more information emerging 16 ...