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  1. Pfam data and new releases are available through. InterPro. The Pfam website now serves as a static page with no data updates. All links below redirect to the closest alternative page in the InterPro website. You will be redirected in 0 seconds to the corresponding page on the InterPro website. 0. The URL below is where you will be redirected.

  2. Each Pfam profile HMM represents a protein family or domain. By searching a protein sequence against the Pfam library of profile HMMs, you can determine which domains it carries i.e. its domain architecture. Pfam can also be used to analyse proteomes and questions of more complex domain architectures. For each Pfam accession, we have an entry page.

  3. About Pfam¶. Pfam version 36.0 was produced at the European Bioinformatics Institute using a sequence database called Pfamseq, which is based on UniProt release 2022_05.. If you find Pfam useful for your research, please cite the latest Pfam publication found in this list.

  4. 26 nov 2007 · Abstract. Pfam is a comprehensive collection of protein domains and families, represented as multiple sequence alignments and as profile hidden Markov models. The current release of Pfam (22.0) contains 9318 protein families. Pfam is now based not only on the UniProtKB sequence database, but also on NCBI GenPept and on sequences from selected ...

  5. Pfam also generates higher-level groupings of related entries, known as clans. A clan is a collection of Pfam entries which are related by similarity of sequence, structure or profile-HMM. The data presented for each entry is based on the UniProt Reference Proteomes but information on individual UniProtKB sequences can still be found by entering the protein accession.

  6. We continue to improve the Pfam website and add new visualizations, such as the 'sunburst' representation of taxonomic distribution of families. In this work we additionally address two topics that will be of particular interest to the Pfam community. First, we explain the definition and use of family-specific, manually curated gathering ...

  7. Pfam also generates higher-level groupings of related entries, known as clans. A clan is a collection of Pfam entries which are related by similarity of sequence, structure or profile-HMM. The data presented for each entry is based on the UniProt Reference Proteomes but information on individual UniProtKB sequences can still be found by entering the protein accession.