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  1. 15 mag 2023 · L’attesissima finale dell’Eurovision 2023 si è conclusa sabato 13 maggio 2023. A trionfare è stata la talentuosa cantante svedese Loreen . Grazie alla sua entusiasmante performance e al suo emozionante brano Tattoo, ha vinto la gara con 583 punti, facendo guadagnare alla Svezia la settima vittoria all’Eurovision e diventando la prima donna nella storia della competizione a vincere per ...

  2. Eurovision Song Contest 2023 line-up. The full line-up of competing countries has been confirmed ahead of the 2023 competition, with 37 acts taking to the stage in Liverpool next month.

  3. TVORCHI. Reigning champions Ukraine are sending duo TVORCHI to defend their Eurovision title. Jeffery and Andrii, two friends who met at University, have enjoyed plenty of domestic success, with 4 albums and several hit singles to their name. In the years since they started recording together, the pair have released 4 albums, with each of them ...

  4. Loreen is the winner of the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest with her song 'Tattoo'. In 2012, she also won the Contest in Baku with the song 'Euphoria'. Loreen becomes only the second artist in history to have won the Eurovision Song Contest twice, after Johnny Logan did the double for Ireland in the '80s.

  5. Eurovision Song Contest 2023 produceras av det brittiska public service-bolaget British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Det ukrainska public service-företaget Suspilne samarbetar med BBC för att utveckla och implementera ukrainska element för liveshowerna, inklusive temakonstverk, bakgrundsmusik, urval av presentatörer och öppnings- och mellanakter [ 8 ] .

  6. 13 mag 2023 · Eurovision 2023 : ce qu’il faut savoir sur la 67ᵉ ... les téléspectateurs des états participants voteront eux par SMS ou en ligne et avec l’impossibilité de soutenir le candidat ...

  7. 20 ott 2022 · C’est par une flag video express que l’UER vient d’annoncer la liste définitive des pays participants à l’Eurovision 2023. Ils seront donc 37 à se disputer le Micro de Cristal en mai prochain. Ce sont trois pays de moins en compétition par rapport à l’édition 2022 et le plus faible nombre de pays en lice depuis 2014, où ils ...