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  1. The Deputy leader of Fine Gael is a senior politician within the Fine Gael political party in Ireland. The post is currently held by Heather Humphreys , who was appointed deputy on 5 April 2024. Like other political party leaders, the leader of Fine Gael has the power to appoint or dismiss their deputy.

  2. The Fine Gael leadership election of February 2001 was held to find a successor to John Bruton who resigned following a defeat in a motion of no confidence in his leadership of the party. Bruton, who had been elected leader of the Fine Gael party in 1990 and had served as Taoiseach from 1994 until 1997, had faced several leadership heaves during his eleven-year tenure as leader.

  3. Fine Gael rekur uppruna sinn til sjálfstæðisbaráttu Írlands undan Bretlandi og til írsku borgarastyrjaldarinnar sem háð var árin 1922 til 1923. Styrjöldin var háð milli stuðningsmanna og andstæðinga ensk-írska sáttmálans sem sjálfstæðisleiðtogar Írlands höfðu undirritað við bresk stjórnvöld undir lok írska sjálfstæðisstríðsins árið 1921.

  4. Eoghan Murphy (born 23 April 1982) is an Irish former Fine Gael politician, who served as a Teachta Dála (TD) for ten years, from 2011 until 27 April 2021, respresenting the Dublin Bay South constituency (previously named Dublin South-East). [1]

  5. Dillon became deputy leader of Fine Gael under W. T. Cosgrave. Dillon resigned from Fine Gael in 1942 over its stance on Irish neutrality during World War II. While Fine Gael supported the government's decision to stay out of the war, Dillon urged the government to side with the Allies.

  6. › wiki › Fine_GaelFine Gael - Wicipedia

    Fine Gael oedd y blaid fwyaf yn etholiad cyffredinol 2011 gan ffurfio Llywodraeth âr Blaid Lafur yn yr 31 Mawrth 2011 yn yr hyn a elwir yn 31ain Dáil Éireann (senedd Gweriniaeth Iwerddon). Sefydlwyd Fine Gael ar 3 Medi 1933 ar ôl uno ei mam-blaid Cumann na nGaedheal , y Centre Party a'r Army Comrades Association , neu'r " Blueshirts ". [ 2 ]

  7. Fine Gael (/ ˌ f iː n ə ˈ ɡ eɪ l / FEE-nə GAYL; [12] English: Family or Tribe of the Irish) is a centre-right liberal conservative political party in the Republic of Ireland. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Fine Gael is currently part of the Government of Ireland and is the third largest party in Dáil Éireann . [ 13 ]