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  1. New obligational authority recommended for fiscal year 1968 in the administrative budget totals $144.0 billion, This is an increase of $4.4 billion over the current estimate for fiscal year 1967, of which $2.5 billion is for the Department of Defense and the military assistance program combined.

  2. 30 ago 1990 · And I would repeat: I am in very close touch, done a lot of the diplomatic work that has gone into this project from my house there, received a couple of foreign visitors there, have had many briefings there. And I think the American people are fundamentally fair, and I think they see that. So, I'm not troubled by it.

  3. It was favorably considered by the Senate on April 25, 1967. The text of the treaty is printed in Senate Executive D (90th Cong., 1st sess.). Citation: Lyndon B. Johnson: "Remarks at the Signing of the Treaty on Outer Space.," January 27, 1967. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project.

  4. Presidential Documents Archive Collections. This Guidebook includes collections created by the APP to help researchers and students navigate key documents related to specific historical events, dates in history, or category of documents. The Public Papers of the Presidents contain most of the President's public messages, statements, speeches ...

  5. Address at the Illinois State Republican Convention in Springfield, Illinois. May 03, 1861. May 10, 1861. Proclamation 84—Declaring Martial Law, and Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus in the Islands of Key West. Special Message. July 02, 1861. Executive Order—Authorizing General Winfield Scott To Suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus. July 04 ...

  6. The American Presidency Project is the only online resource that has consolidated, coded, and organized into a single searchable database: The Messages and Papers of the Presidents: Washington - Taft (1789-1913) The Public Papers of the Presidents: Hoover to Bush (1929-1993) The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents: Clinton - Obama (1993-2009) The archive also contain

  7. Corrected registration figures. “Turnout” refers to efforts to measure the extent of popular participation in elections. Turnout is usually discussed as a ratio although always based on a count of votes cast. The numerator is the number of votes cast. Various measures may be used as the denominator: (1) The Voting Age Population—broadly ...