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  1. Il gran maestro Winrich von Kniprode. Stretti nella morsa dei principi tedeschi avidi di terre, da un lato, e delle popolazioni slave, dall'altro, si trovarono a fronteggiare difficoltà sempre maggiori, aggravate dall'avanzata crescente della riforma luterana, che ne determinò una crisi irreversibile.

  2. Winrich von Kniprode entstammte einem niederrheinischen Rittergeschlecht. Geboren wurde er um 1310 in dem für die Familie namensgebenden Kniprath, einem vormaligen Ortsteil von Monheim am Rhein. [1] Über den Zeitpunkt seines Ordenseintrittes ist nichts bekannt; seine erste Erwähnung als Kompan des Pflegers von Preußisch Holland datiert aus ...

  3. 12 mag 2022 · Winrich von Kniprode was the 22nd Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. He was the longest serving Grand Master, holding the position for 31 years (1351–1382). Winrich von Kniprode was born in 1310 in Monheim am Rhein near Cologne. He served as the Komtur of Danzig (1338–1341) and Balga (1341–1343). In 1341 he was promoted to the Grand Marshal.

  4. After Winrich von Kniprode was named as his replacement, Dusemer settled in Brattian where he did not hold any important functions. Dusemer died in 1351 and was buried in the Marienburg Castle in a mausoleum under the Chapel of St. Anna. (22) Winrich von Kniprode - 1351-1382.

  5. From this point until ca. 1412, efforts were directed toward subjugating the Lithuanians. The 14th century also saw the peak of the Teutonic Order’s administration and power, particularly under the tenure of Grand Masters, Winrich von Kniprode (1352–82) and Konrad von Jungingen (1393–1407).

  6. Kniprode, Winrich von. * 1. Januar 1310 in Kniprath/Rheinland. † 24. Juni 1382 in Marienburg/Westpr. Winrich stammte aus dem rheinischen Kniprath (bei Düsseldorf), wo er etwa 1310 als Sohn des Edelknechtes Hermann geboren sein dürfte. Als Mitglied des Deutschen Ordens begegnet er uns zum erstenmal 1334 in der Stellung eines Kumpans des ...

  7. 78 Followers, 1,644 Following, 1,311 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Winrich von Kniprode (@vonkniprode)