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  1. MORGAN, John Pierpont. Seymour de Ricci. Finanziere e collezionista americano, nato a Hartford (Connecticut) il 17 aprile 1837, morto a Roma il 31 marzo 1913. Figlio del banchiere Junius Spencer Morgan, studiò a Boston e a Gottinga e a vent'anni entrò come impiegato nella banca Duncan, Sherman e C. Nel 1860 si stabilì per conto suo come ...

  2. January 2011. J.P. Morgan sat for two minutes; one of the resulting portraits defined his reputation. Edward Steichen. “No price is too great,” John Pierpont Morgan once declared, “for a ...

  3. Il figlio John Pierpont iunior (Irvington 1867 - Boca Grande, Florida, 1943) ha contribuito a sostenere le finanze degli Alleati durante la prima guerra mondiale e ad appoggiare le riforme monetarie del dopoguerra (per es., prestito Morgan all'Italia nel 1927); come collezionista ha seguito le orme del padre.

  4. ジョン・モルガン. ジョン・ピアポント・モルガン (John Pierpont Morgan、 1837年 4月17日 - 1913年 3月31日 )は、 アメリカ のモルガン財閥の創始者である。. 金融王 と称えられた。.

  5. 20 ott 2021 · John Pierpont Morgan was born in Hartford, Connecticut on April 17, 1837, the son of a successful dry goods merchant named Junius Morgan. Pierpont, as he was commonly called, was a fragile child, prone to unexplained fevers and seizures. Junius Morgan moved his family to Europe in 1852 when he took a position with a London banking firm.

  6. 23 apr 2024 · J.P. Morgan was among the most powerful industrialists and bankers of all time. Morgan was born on April 17, 1837, in Hartford, Conn., to a banking family. At the cusp of the 20th century, Morgan ...

  7. John Pierpont Morgan ( Hartford (Connecticut), 17 april 1837 – Rome, 31 maart 1913 ), vaak J.P. Morgan genoemd, was een Amerikaanse bankier en kunstverzamelaar, die in zijn tijd een dominante ondernemingsfinanciering en bankmagnaat was. In 1892 regelde hij de fusie van Edison General Electric en Thompson-Houston Electric Company tot General ...