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  1. 18 giu 2021 · António Guterres was on Friday re-appointed to a second term as UN Secretary-General, pledging as his priority, to continue helping the world chart a course out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Taking the oath of office in the General Assembly Hall, Mr. Guterres said he was aware of the immense responsibilities bestowed on him at this critical moment in history.

  2. António Guterres, ex Primo Ministro portoghese e Alto Commissario per i Rifugiati, assume l’incarico di nono Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite. Il portoghese António Guterres, nono Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite, ha assunto l’incarico il 1º gennaio 2017 ed è stato riconfermato per un secondo mandato nel 2021.

  3. António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres ( IPA: ɐ̃ˈtɔnju ɡuˈtɛʁɨʃ) ( Lisszabon, 1949. április 30. –) portugál politikus. Portugália miniszterelnöke volt 1995-től 2002-ig. 2017. január 1. óta az ENSZ főtitkára.

  4. Citazioni di António Guterres [ modifica] [Sul Colpo di Stato in Birmania del 2021] Questi sviluppi sono un duro colpo alle riforme democratiche in Birmania. Le elezioni generali dell'8 novembre 2020 danno un forte mandato alla Lega nazionale per la democrazia (Nld), riflettendo la chiara volontà del popolo birmano di continuare sulla strada ...

  5. António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres (* 30. dubna 1949 Lisabon, Portugalsko) je portugalský politik, diplomat a současný 9. generální tajemník Organizace spojených národů . Do funkce nastoupil 1. ledna 2017 , kdy vystřídal Pan Ki-Muna .

  6. 19 set 2021 · In a wide-ranging interview with UN News, Secretary-General António Guterres is calling on world leaders to ‘wake up’, make an immediate course correction at home and abroad, and unite. “The institutions we have, have no teeth. And sometimes, even when they have teeth, like in the case of the Security Council, they have not much appetite ...

  7. 8 nov 2022 · At the opening of the two-day Climate Implementation Summit at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, António Guterres called for a historic pact between developed and developing countries to combine capacities, and pivot the world towards reducing carbon emissions, transforming energy systems and avoiding a climate catastrophe.