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  1. Ubaldo Soddu (23 July 1883-25 July 1949) was a general of Italy who led the Italian forces in Albania for four months during the Greco-Italian War of 1940, succeeding Sebastiano Visconti Prasca and preceding Ugo Cavallero. Ubaldo Soddu was born on 23 July 1883 in Salerno, Italy, and in 1904 he graduated from the Military School of Infantry and Cavalry in Modena as an artillery lieutenant ...

  2. UBALDO SODDU : SEBASTIANO VISCONTI PRASCA 1883-196x : Nasce a Salerno il 23/7/1883 ed entra alla accademia da cui esce sottotenente d’Artiglieria nel 1904. Partecipa al conflitto in Libia e alla prima guerra mondiale ottenendo 2 Argenti.

  3. Ubaldo Soddu (23 July 1883 – 20 July 1949) was an Italian military officer, who commanded the Italian Forces in the Greco-Italian War for a month. Soddu was born in Salerno. During the period of 1939-1940, Soddu was under-secretary at the Ministry of War. In November 1940 he was sent to Albania to take over command of the Italian Forces from General Sebastiano Visconti Prasca, who had proven ...

  4. Ubaldo Soddu (23 July 1883 – 25 July 1949) was an Italian military officer, who commanded the Italian Forces in the Greco-Italian War for a month. Soddu was born in Salerno. From 1939 to 1940, Soddu was under-secretary at the Ministry of War. In November 1940 he was sent to Albania to take over command of the Italian Forces from General Sebastiano Visconti Prasca and then sacked and replaced ...

  5. Soddu, Ubaldo General * 23rd of July 1883 † 20th of July 1949 Promotions. 1917-11-08: Lieutenant-Colonel (Exceptional merits)(Seniority from 1917-10-07) 1926-12-05:

  6. Sòddu, Ubaldo. generale italiano (Salerno 1883-Roma 1949). Si distinse nella I guerra mondiale meritando due medaglie d'argento al valore. Allo scoppio del II conflitto mondiale era sottocapo di Stato Maggiore e sottosegretario alla Guerra. Comandante in capo delle forze italiane in Albania, guidò tra il novembre e il dicembre 1940 l ...

  7. › wiki › SodduSoddu - Wikipedia

    Ubaldo Soddu (1883–1949) – generale italiano Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 2 lug 2023 alle 01:40. Il testo è ...