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  1. Gamaliel II feia servir sorprenents comparacions per enaltir el valor de l'obra i el treball, i per expressar la seva opinió sobre l'entrenament adequat de la ment. L'apreciació de Gamaliel II de la virtut de la misericòrdia, està ben il·lustrada per una dita seva en al·lusió a Deuteronomi 13.18: "Que sigui un senyal per a tu!

  2. Gamáliél Neve h. gamli'él. Jelentése: »Isten jót tett velem«. Farizeus, írástudó, korának legtiszteltebb törvénymagyarázója, a Nagytanács tagja, Jézus és Pál apostol kortársa. A Nagytanácsban annak a mérsékeltebb farizeusi irányzatnak volt a vezetője, amelyet nagyapja, a híres Hillél rabbi alapított ...

  3. Origine e diffusione. Deriva dal nome teoforico ebraico גַּמְלִיאֵל ( Gamaliel ), contenente il termine El riferito al Dio ebraico, il cui significato viene interpretato generalmente come "ricompensa di Dio" [1] [5] [6] [7], "beneficio di Dio" [4], "Dio è la mia ricompensa" [2], "Dio mi ha dato bene" [3], "Dio ricompensa con bene ...

  4. GAMALIEL. 1 . The son of Pedahzur, and ‘prince of the children of Manasseh’ ( Numbers 1:10; Numbers 2:20 , etc.). 2. Gamaliel i ., the grandson of Hillel, was a Pharisee, and regarded as one of the most distinguished doctors of the Law of his age. He was a member of the Sanhedrin during the years of our Lord’s ministry.

  5. › wiki › GamalielGamaliel - Wikipedia

    Gamaliel cel Bătrân (/ ɡ ə ˈ m eɪ l i əl, -ˈ m ɑː-, ˌ ɡ æ m ə ˈ l iː əl /; ortografiat și Gamliel; în ebraică רבן גמליאל הזקן, transliterat: Rabban Gamliel HaZaqen; în greacă veche Γαμαλιὴλ ὁ Πρεσβύτερος), sau Rabban Gamaliel I, a fost un membru de frunte al Sinedriului la începutul secolului I d.Hr. Era fiul lui Simeon ben Hillel și ...

  6. Gamaliel 22.3 ; le Talmud distingue Gamaliel l’Ancien, petit-fils de Hillel, principale référence de l’école pharisienne, et son petit-fils Gamaliel II, autre maître juif du Ier s. apr. J.-C. ; c’est au premier des deux que se réfèrent les Actes. – maître ou enseignant ; cf. 13.1n. – Voir loi. – faire sortir 4.15

  7. Gamaliel's principle has been used to support reforms such as the ordination of women. Some Christians have argued that Gamaliel's principle should guide Christians when interacting with other religions or denominations, and that following it would avoid religious violence and intolerance. [2] [5] Raymond E. Brown argued that while "it may not ...