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  1. Adam Bernard Mickiewicz (IPA: mit͡sˈkʲɛvit͡ʂ: ascolta ⓘ; Zaosie, 24 dicembre 1798 – Costantinopoli, 26 novembre 1855) è stato un poeta e scrittore polacco, incluso fra i trzej wieszcze (i Tre Bardi), ovvero i tre maggiori letterati del Romanticismo polacco insieme a Juliusz Słowacki e Zygmunt Krasiński.

  2. Adam Bernard Mickiewicz (24 December 1798 – 26 November 1855) was a Polish poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator and political activist. He is regarded as national poet in Poland, Lithuania and Belarus.

  3. 27 mar 2024 · Adam Mickiewicz (1798–1855) was one of the greatest poets of Poland and a lifelong apostle of Polish national freedom. His masterpiece is the epic poem Pan Tadeusz (1834). He was the principal poet of Polish Romanticism, and he epitomized Polish identity for succeeding generations of writers.

  4. Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855) - polski poeta, pisarz, działacz polityczny, publicysta, tłumacz, filozof, działacz religijny, mistyk, nauczyciel akademicki. Razem ze Słowackim i Krasińskim zaliczany do grona Trzech Wieszczy , duchowych przywódców narodu podczas zniewolenia.

  5. MICKIEWICZ, Adam. Giovanni Maver. Poeta polacco, nato a Nowogródek - o nel vicino villaggio di Zaosie - il 24 dicembre 1798, morto a Costantinopoli il 26 novembre 1855.

  6. The greatest of Poland's Romantic poets - a poet, columnist, political activist, and visionary. He is cited as a pioneer of the vision of a federation of free nations and citizens.

  7. DAL VOCABOLARIO. LEMMI CORRELATI. Poeta polacco (Nowogródek 1798 - Costantinopoli 1855). Compì gli studî universitarî a Vilnius e fece parte del gruppo dei Filomati. Arrestato nel 1823, fu mandato in esilio a Pietroburgo; rimase in Russia cinque anni, visitando anche Odessa e Mosca.