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  1. 8 ore fa · William David Friedkin ( / ˈfriːdkɪn /; August 29, 1935 – August 7, 2023) was an American film, television and opera director, producer, and screenwriter who was closely identified with the "New Hollywood" movement of the 1970s. [1] [2] Beginning his career in documentaries in the early 1960s, he is best known for his crime thriller film ...

  2. 8 ore fa · Il film Shaft il detective è tratto dal romanzo Shaft contro la mafia di Ernest Tidyman, sceneggiatore de Il braccio violento della legge, di William Friedkin con Gene Hackman, uscito lo stesso anno. In effetti sono molti gli elementi in comune tra i due investigatori che fanno percepire la stessa mano dietro la loro scrittura

  3. 8 ore fa · Sala dei trofei: Natural Born Killers (400 LIVE #231) Sala dei trofei è la video-rubrica che si occupa di catalogare i grandi classici del cinema da combattimento. “Datemi tutto il merchandising Marvel, ho Iron Man in ostaggio!”. Tanti auguri Natural Born Killers che compi 30 anni! Sei stato un po’ il nostro piccolo Arancia meccanica ...

  4. 1 giorno fa · The Exorcist debuted in 1973 and is still one of the most controversial films of all time. The film adaptation of the novel by the same name, showed us a visual horror that no other production has managed to do. The scenes with the demon-possessed “Regan”, who was just twelve years old, were so disturbing that the audience sometimes passed ...

  5. 8 ore fa · Film: Der Exorzist (1973) Regie: William Friedkin Musik: Mike Oldfield, Krzysztof Penderecki, George Crumb u. a. Film: The Shining (1980) Regie: Stanley Kubrick Musik: Krzysztof Penderecki, Béla ...

  6. 8 ore fa · Coppola, Scorsese, Lucas, De Palma, Cimino, Friedkin inyectaban de nuevo capital y gloria a la ciudad de los sueños. En apenas una década consumieron toneladas de energía y fuerza humana de un sistema en decadencia que ellos mismos levantaron y hundieron, simbólicamente, con el fracaso de La puerta del cielo de Cimino en 1980.

  7. 1 giorno fa · Na tej niezwykłej trasie będą Was prowadzić tacy artyści, jak Laura Citarella z filmem „Trenque Lauquen” (12:45), William Friedkin z „Zadaniem specjalnym” (16:00, a po seansie zapraszamy na DKF Pełnej Sali) oraz Stefanie Kolk z „Mlekiem” (22:00). Warto także zatrzymać się przy wystawie „KROKI / STEPS”.