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  1. 11 ore fa · Teatro, La storia di Antonio, In un futuro forse non lontano nel quale il teatro a seguito di una pandemia era stato abolito e i cinema gradualmente erano stati chiusi un ragazzo studente di giurisprudenza si sveglia una mattina con una singolare idea essere un attore , Accesso libero | incipit: Era una mattina come tante altre che pero conteneva una dolce e tiepida fragranza per via dei primi ...

  2. 11 ore fa · AA.VV. - Romeo + Juliet (music from the motion picture) (1996) La serie maggiaiola di dischi colonna sonora volge al termine. Per mia scelta iniziale, non ho considerato i classici opere di quei grandiosi giganti che hanno fatto delle colonne sonore quasi un nuovo ramo artistico (penso a Morricone, Zimmer, Williams, Rota, Badalamenti per dire i ...

  3. 11 ore fa · All Elite Wrestling (AEW) is an American professional wrestling promotion founded in 2019. AEW personnel consists of professional wrestlers, managers, referees, commentators, ring announcers, coaches, and various other positions. Executives are also listed.

  4. 11 ore fa · The finale to the Sontarans vs Rutans miniseries brings a lot of threads together: A stark demonstration of the horrors of war, the moral collapse that all too often follows it and of just how terrifying the Time War was.

  5. 11 ore fa · Following in the footsteps of his MCU co-stars, Hemsworth similarly presents his Furiosa villain as a slaver, an abuser and an absolute fiend. He watched Praetorian Jack get dragged by bikes and eaten by dogs, while he oversaw Furiosa's mother being burned to death. As he did this, it helped break away from the monotony and saturation of Thor.

  6. 11 ore fa · Með öflugu stuðningsumhverfi nýsköpunar verður tækifærum fjölgað um allt land til að efla atvinnulíf og menningu, styrkja búsetu og byggja upp til framtíðar. Við sjáum hvernig hugvitið getur skapað spennandi framtíð fyrir okkur sem viljum hafa fjölbreyttari valkosti um búsetu og ný störf sem við getum ekki einu sinni ...

  7. 11 ore fa · She was a close friend of Robert Duncan, too, and in fact it was, I think, via an essay by Thom Gunn on Duncan that I first encountered her work. Her poetry of the 60s and 70s, especially, was politically committed, championing civil rights in America and opposing the Vietnam war.