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  1. 12 ore fa · Genghis Khan died in 1227 C.E. after having conquered a territory twice the size of the Roman Empire. His last wish was to be buried in secret, something his soldiers accomplished in two ways: ...

  2. 12 ore fa · Return to Silent Hill, un film di Christophe Gans, remake in live action del quasi omonimo titolo videoludico prodotto da Konami nel 2001, Silent Hill 2, che ci riporta nelle tenebrose e orrorifiche atmosfere della cittadina desolata più spaventosa di sempre, a diciotto anni di distanza dal film del 2006. Nel cast Jeremy Irvine, Hannah Emily ...

  3. 12 ore fa · The history of film chronicles the development of a visual art form created using film technologies that began in the late 19th century. The advent of film as an artistic medium is not clearly defined. There were earlier cinematographic screenings by others, however, the commercial, public screening of ten Lumière brothers ' short films in ...