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  1. 23 ore fa · Certamente le luci controriformistiche dell’Impero di Carlo V e di Filippo II avevano lasciato spazio ai “Lumi” di Maria Teresa e Giuseppe, ma Francesco Giuseppe restituì alla Casa d’Austria il ruolo di “defensor fidei” e del Papato e con Carlo ebbe un Imperatore beato della Chiesa.

  2. 23 ore fa · From ancient times to early modern era. Italy was unified by the Roman Republic in the latter part of the third century BC. For 700 years, it was a de facto territorial extension of the capital of the Roman Republic and Empire, and for a long time experienced a privileged status but was not converted into a province.

  3. 23 ore fa · Joseph Haydn was impressed by the use of "God Save the King" as a national anthem during his visit to London in 1794, and on his return to Austria composed a different tune, "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser" ("God Save Emperor Francis"), for the birthday of the last Holy Roman Emperor and Roman-German King, Francis II, which became the basis for the anthem of the later Austrian Empire, and ...

  4. 23 ore fa · Piero Pretti è Don Carlo, Gabriele Viviani Rodrigo, Ildar Abdrazakov Filippo II. Rachel Willis-Sørensen, per la prima volta al Teatro San Carlo, darà voce a Elisabetta di Valois, mentre Varduhi ...

  5. 23 ore fa · Ordoño II., der die Grafen von Kastilien aufgeboten hatte, die jedoch nicht erschienen waren, berief sie nach Tejares und ließ sie kurzerhand ermorden. Ihm folgte sein Bruder Fruela II., was später zu einem Erbfolgestreit mit dessen Sohn Alfonso Froilaz führen sollte, denn Ordoño hatte drei Söhne namens Sancho Ordoñez, Alfonso und Ramiro.

  6. 23 ore fa · In the aftermath of World War II, one of the proposals to revitalize the economy and the reputation of Sanremo was to create an annual music festival to be held in the city. [25] In 1948 and 1949, the first two editions of the Italian Song Festival ( Festival della Canzone Italiana ) were held in Viareggio, from an idea developed in 1947 by Aldo Valleroni.