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  1. 11 ore fa · The epic Train to Busan is out today in a 4K edition: The action pieces are well-mounted, the biggest monsters are typically not the zombies, and it just flies by.

  2. 11 ore fa · Artists Raja Feather Kelly Raja Feather Kelly (Choreographer) is a choreographer and director, and the Artistic Director of the feath3rtheory–a dance-theatre-media company. Kelly has created 16 evening-length premieres with the feath3rtheory, most recently WEDNESDAY at New York Live Arts. He choreog...

  3. 11 ore fa · Notable deaths. January 10 – Jennell Jaquays, 67, tabletop and video game designer, with contributions for Dungeons & Dragons and at id Software. February 1 – Carl Weathers, 76, actor, best known for portraying Apollo Creed in the Rocky films and providing voice work in Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction, Mortal Kombat X and The Artful Escape.

  4. 11 ore fa · Kommentar veröffentlichen. Ich freue mich sehr über Dein Interesse und Deinen Kommentar. Mit dem Abschicken deines Kommentars akzeptierst du, dass der von dir geschriebene Kommentar und die personenbezogenen Daten, die damit verbunden sind (z.B. Username, E-Mailadresse, verknüpftes Profil auf Google/ Wordpress) an Google-Server übermittelt werden.