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  1. 10 ore fa · Over 150,000 LGBTQ+ people and their allies have marched for the Pride in South Korea 2024 parade, despite the event being banned by authorities for a second year in a row. While more than 35 countries have legalised same-sex marriage, including Thailand moving closer to approving the bill, South Korea has yet to legalise same-sex marriage or ...

  2. 10 ore fa · Fans have also surmised that, after Jessica Madsen, who plays Cressida Cowper, posted a string of pictures in honour of Pride month with caption admitting she's 'in love with a woman', a queer storyline may well be a part of the fourth season. Joanna Bobin, who plays Madsen's on-screen mother Lady Cowper, wrote: 'Go baby girl!

  3. 10 ore fa · Der var hele syv danske ungryttere med i klassen, og Victoria Sophia Hjorth-Madsen blev 2. bedstplacerede dansker. Hun red nul i hovedrunden og placerede sig på 7. pladsen sammen med DV-vallakken Catwalk V e. Cosmeo/ Heartbeat (opdr. NobelFood Holding ApS & Stald Wagner).

  4. 10 ore fa · Christian Kettel Thomsen afløste i 2023 Lars Rohde på posten som direktør for Danmarks Nationalbank. | Foto: Jens Dresling/Ritzau Scanpix af THOMAS NYGAARD MADSEN De højere renter har ikke i stor stil ført til, at bankkunder har haft svært ved at vedligeholde deres lån, og det er bemærkelsesværdigt, hvis man spørger nationalbankdirektør Christian Kettel Thomsen, hvilket Børsen har ...

  5. 10 ore fa · Resumé. Det gennemsnitlige sygefravær for folkeskolelærere m.fl. i kommunerne var i 2023 på 13,2 dage pr. fuldtidsbeskæftiget. I årene 2017-2021 var sygefraværet på 10,8 dage, mens det steg til 14,7 i 2022. Der er således tale om en betydelig stigning i sygefraværet i 2022 og 2023 sammenlignet med tidligere år.

  6. 10 ore fa · Jessica Madsen shares pride for same-sex relationship Jessica Madsen kicked off Pride Month with a joyful update on her love life. The "Bridgerton " star shared a series of LGBTQ imagery in an Instagram post Saturday, including a GIF of herself wearing a colorful tie-dye top and rainbow-colored jewel makeup.

  7. 10 ore fa · Understanding the function of sleep and its associated neural rhythms is an important goal in neuroscience. While many theoretical models of neural dynamics during sleep exist, few include the effects of neuromodulators on sleep oscillations and describe transitions between sleep and wake states or different sleep stages. Here, we started with a C++-based thalamocortical network model that ...