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  1. 11 ore fa · Besides Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, who appeared most frequently in the verses, other figures such as Heinrich Himmler (Reich Interior Minister), Joachim von Ribbentrop (Reich Foreign Minister), Gerd von Rundstedt (Commander-in-Chief West), as well as foreign dictators Benito Mussolini (Italy) and Francisco Franco (Spain) were also targets for ridicule.

  2. 11 ore fa · But activists who are already convinced that Musk is the reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels have taken this very badly. One recent article on TechCrunch (a website, not a cereal brand for gamers) complains that “under Musk’s ownership, the platform formerly known as Twitter has become actively more hostile to gender-nonconforming people”.

  3. 11 ore fa · Sol Gabetta si aggiudica il Gran Premio svizzero di musica 2024. Con questo riconoscimento, l’Ufficio federale della cultura premia «una musicista dai molteplici talenti che ha saputo affermarsi come solista di primo piano sulla scena internazionale». La cerimonia di consegna dei Premi svizzeri di musica 2024 si terrà il 12 settembre nella Salle Paderewski del Casino de Montbenon […]

  4. 11 ore fa · Nach Beginn des zweiten Weltkriegs benutzt Joseph Goebbels die UFA – Produktionen zu Propagandazwecken für die „Heimatfront“. Die blonde, als lebenslustig geltende Schauspielerin mit ihrer charismatischen Ausstrahlung und ihres außergewöhnlichen Talents, wird von der NS-Propaganda zumeist für die Vermittlung nationalsozialistischer Wertvorstellungen über die Rolle der Frau eingesetzt.

  5. La propaganda esta dura, pero no ha servido de nada :) ¿Que fue lo que decía la mano derecha de Adolfo Hitler? La famosa frase de Joseph Goebbels fue "Miente, miente, miente que algo quedará, cuanto más grande sea una mentira más gente la creerá" ocupando el cargo de Ministro para la Ilustración Pública y la Propaganda durante el III Reich

  6. 11 ore fa · Sticks and stones Re: "Fiction vs fact", (PostBag, May 21) & "Mideast history", (PostBag, May 18). In Don's PostBag letter on Tuesday, I was compared to Joseph Goebbels ie accused of being a pure ...

  7. 11 ore fa · This is a list of heads of state and government who died in office. In general, hereditary office holders (kings, queens, emperors, emirs, and the like) and holders of offices where the normal term limit is life (popes, presidents for life, etc.) are excluded because, until recently, their death in office was the norm.

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    heinrich himmler