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  1. 3 giorni fa · In 1345 Thomas Earl of Warwick, grandson of William above named, conveyed Acton Beauchamp among other manors to trustees for providing portions for his daughters. He must shortly afterwards have given it to Giles Beauchamp of Powick, for Giles died in 1361 holding it of Thomas Earl of Warwick.

  2. 4 giorni fa · By 1086 it was held, together with Drayton Beauchamp Manor, of Manno le Breton by Helgot. Its descent is identical with that of Drayton Beauchamp (q.v.) until 1719, when William, Viscount Newhaven, sold it to John Gore.

  3. 3 giorni fa · In 1274 Jordan de Say successfully sued John Beauchamp of Elmbridge for a carucate of land at Hanley Child, which John claimed under an expired lease granted to William Delamare of 'Rindlebrigg' (? Rendcomb, co. Gloucester) by Hugh de Denesdon and his wife Amice, Jordan's mother.

  4. 3 giorni fa · The details of the life of Hugh de Beauchamp, founder of the lineage of the barons of Eaton, can only be reconstructed from documentary sources. He was a member of a minor branch of the greater de Beauchamp family who were the lords of Bedford, identified as a knight of Simon de Beauchamp.

  5. 4 giorni fa · I relatori metteranno in luce la personalità del conte de Baguer, diplomatico spagnolo e segretario della rappresentanza iberica a Vienna per l’Austria. Focus anche sulle circostanze economiche, sociali e culturali della Contea.

  6. 4 giorni fa · E’ morto oggi, all’età di 68 anni, il regista Romeo Conte, fondatore e direttore artistico del Prato Film Festival. Originario di San Vito dei Normanni in provincia di Brindisi, Conte si era stabilito da tempo con la famiglia a Prato.

  7. 3 giorni fa · This on-line edition is fully indexed and searchable. Here's some guidance: If you already know the number of the inscription from RIB, or tablet from the Vindolanda or Bloomberg Tablets, you could Search by number.