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  1. 9 ore fa · DALILA SOUMICHA MEKAZNI. TÍTULO: Study of the electrochemical behavior of C1-C3 molecules on well-defined Pt surfaces. DIRECTOR/DIRECTORA : Dr. Enrique Herrero Rodriguez y Dra. Rosa Maria Aran Ais. PROGRAMA DE DOCTORADO EN ELECTROQUÍMICA, CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA. PRESIDENTE: Dr. José Solla Gullón. Profesor Titular de Universidad.

  2. 9 ore fa · Aspects such as the specialization of functions or serial production, typical of industrial processes, have been present since antiquity in the crafting of simple everyday objects and also in the manufacturing of more complex and unique pieces, such as artistic sculptures. The material remains of serialized artifacts and the tools used in their ...

  3. 9 ore fa · The University of Central Punjab (UCP) is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Hammad Naveed as the new Pro-Rector. Dr. Naveed brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of bioinformatics and academic leadership, making him a valuable addition to the UCP leadership. Dr. Hammad Naveed earned his Ph.D. in Bioinformatics from …

  4. 9 ore fa · Konferensi ini diselenggarakan oleh Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, dengan menggunakan platform Zoom dan dilakukan secara hybrid (luring dan daring). Tema yang diangkat pada kegiatan ini adalah “The Impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0 to Society 5.0’s Digital Transformation” .

  5. 9 ore fa · BACA JUGA: Informasi Terbaru Deakin University, dari Ranking Sampai Biaya Kuliah. Deakin University menawarkan 213 program pascasarjana di bidang Nursing, Computer Science, Accounting dan Finance. Kursus sarjana membantu siswa menjadi siap terjun ke pasar kerja. Beberapa syarat masuk ke Deakin University untuk mahasiswa S1 meliputi: Ijazah SMA.

  6. 9 ore fa · Riwayat pendidikan merupakan salah satu bagian penting yang harus dicantumkan pada CV Sobat MinDi. Penulisan riwayat pendidikan yang baik dan benar akan meningkatkan kredibilitas dan kemampuan diri di mata recruiter. Oleh sebab itu, tulislah riwayat pendidikan yang sesuai dan tepat agar peluang lolos dan dilirik recruiter semakin tinggi.

  7. 9 ore fa · Tesla, teslimatlarda ilk çeyrekte bir önceki yılın aynı çeyreğine göre yüzde 8,5, geçtiğimiz yılın son çeyreğine göre ise yaklaşık yüzde 20 düşüş yaşanmıştı. Tesla’nın 2023 yılı ve 2024 yılı satış adetleri şöyle: Kaynak: Haber Merkezi. Tesla'nın satışlarındaki düşüşün ana nedenleri, fiyat ...