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  1. My uncle (45) got married with his girlfriend (25), after his first marriage didn't go well for 12 years. Now after 5 years, they have kids (boy 3) and girl (1), Both are happy. Also his ex wife also happy with her new boyfriend and getting married soon. It's the society that is going to be harsh and toxic.

  2. 8 ore fa · If this resonates with you, we invite you to join us this Autumn. Here is a video on the Shambhala Teachings and their relation to Buddhism. The series of Shambhala teachings is presented as 5 individual weekends (although sometimes offered in different formats). We will be running the first 3 of these weekends this Autumn.

  3. 8 ore fa · swtorange127. 20 minuti

  4. 8 ore fa · Oltre 11 milioni per l'avvio di cinque grandi interventi che cambieranno il volto del complesso museale. Via ai nuovi progetti strutturali, architettonici e funzionali delle Gallerie degli Uffizi con stanziamenti messi a disposizione del complesso dal Ministero della Cultura nell'ambito del Piano strategico del Ministero della Cultura per i Grandi Progetti Beni Culturali italiani.

  5. 8 ore fa · Piccoli artisti per un evento benefico con Nicola Desilvio e Marianna D'Ambruoso ad "accompagnarli"

  6. 8 ore fa · Premiere auf der BUCH BERLIN: packende Story über eine Zombie-Apokalypse +++ Sucy Pretsch präsentiert Debütroman »Die letzte Show«

  7. 8 ore fa · 極品東坡肉@腹響圓. 終於知道為什麼腹響圓總是座無虛席了: 幾乎每週都會去公館混,經過真理堂旁靜巷總是百思不得其解, 為什麼這家疫情後才開張的小館會這麼受長輩歡迎?. 原來是曉鹿鳴樓主廚范添美師傅的新餐廳~ 你只要吃一口東坡肉,就會明白他 ...