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  1. THE Book of Divine Worship being elements of the book of common prayer revised and adapted according to the roman rite for use by roman catholics coming from the anglican tradition approved by the national conference of catholic bishops of the united states of america and confirmed by the apostolic see e NEWMAN HOUSE PRESS

  2. The liturgical texts are reproduced by authority of the Committee on Divine Worship, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Published with ecclesiastical approval.

  3. Book of Divine Worship. The Roman Catholic Church adapted the Book of Common Prayer for the benefit of Anglican Use churches. This adaptation was revised according to the Roman Rite and first published in 2003 as The Book of Divine Worship.

  4. Mass contains elements of the Eucharistic liturgy in the Book of Common Prayer; if you are a Roman Catholic, its form and structure will be familiar, yet di^erent: we rejoice that you are with us, and hope you find your appreciation of the catholicity of the Church deepened. Attending Mass at Saint Gregory fulfills

  5. Divine Worship is the name given by the Holy See to the liturgical provision for the Ordinariates. The Missal for the celebration of Mass is called Divine Worship: The Missal. The liturgical texts for baptisms, weddings, and funerals are collected in Divine Worship: Occasional Services.

  6. The Christian year, as organized in the Book of Divine Worship, consists of six seasons: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost and begins with the first Sunday of Advent at the end of November or beginning of December.

  7. THE BOOK OF DIVINE WORSHIP riprende gli elementi del libro della preghiera comune adattati secondo l’uso del rito romano secondo la tradizione anglicana e approvato dalla conferenza nazionale dei vescovi cattolici degli Stati Uniti d’America e confermato dalla sede apostolica.

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