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  1. 21 ore fa · A right-wing dictatorship, sometimes also referred to as a rightist dictatorship or right-wing authoritarianism, is an authoritarian or sometimes totalitarian regime following right-wing policies. Right-wing dictatorships are typically characterized by appeals to traditionalism, the protection of law and order and often the advocacy of ...

  2. 21 ore fa · A state religion (also called official religion) is a religion or creed officially endorsed by a sovereign state. A state with an official religion (also known as confessional state ), while not a secular state, is not necessarily a theocracy. State religions are official or government-sanctioned establishments of a religion, but the state does ...

  3. 21 ore fa · List of firearms. This is an extensive list of small arms —including pistols, revolvers, submachine guns, shotguns, battle rifles, assault rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns, personal defense weapons, carbines, designated marksman rifles, multiple-barrel firearms, grenade launchers, underwater firearms, anti-tank rifles, anti-materiel rifles ...

  4. 21 ore fa · Não podem casar: I – os ascendentes com os descendentes, seja o parentesco natural ou civil; II – os afins em linha reta; III – o adotante com quem foi cônjuge do adotado e o adotado com quem o foi do adotante; IV – os irmãos, unilaterais ou bilaterais, e demais colaterais, até o terceiro grau inclusive; V – o adotado com o filho do adotante; VI – as pessoas casadas; VII – o ...

  5. 21 ore fa · Die Liste von Bildhauern führt möglichst umfassend Bildhauer jeden Geschlechts aller Epochen auf. Die Liste ist alphabetisch nach Nachnamen geordnet. Die Einträge enthalten neben dem Namen auch Informationen über Geburtsjahr, Sterbejahr und Herkunft.