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  1. 5 ore fa · La stanza di Jacob di Virginia Woolf è un romanzo rivoluzionario. Nel suo Diario del 26 gennaio 1920, la Woolf scriveva: “Immagino che l’approccio sarà completamente diverso questa volta: niente impalcature; quasi nessun mattone visibile; tutto crepuscolare, ma il cuore, la passione, l’umorismo, tutto splendente come fuoco nella nebbia”.

  2. 5 ore fa · Now, his own fierce autobiography has re-emerged. “The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots,” a denunciation of slavery by a formerly enslaved man named John S. Jacobs, was ...

  3. The Show opens to the public April 15-24 (press days: April 13 &14) at the fully-expanded Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan. With an enormous indoor track, attendees will have the opportunity to ride in a wide range of electric vehicles including new models from Chevrolet , Kia , Nissan , Volvo , and EV start-ups INDI from ...