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  1. www.tuke.skTUKE

    Univerzita. Technická univerzita v Košiciach je verejnou vysokou školou, ktorá pokrýva široké spektrum potrieb vzdelávania nielen pre región východného Slovenska, ale v mnohých odboroch je jediným centrom vedy, výskumu a vzdelávania nielen na Slovensku, ale aj v stredoeurópskom priestore.

  2. L'Università tecnica di Košice è un politecnico universitario con sede nella città slovacca di Košice. L'Università fu fondata nel 1952 con il nome di Vysoká škola technická. Ha acquisito la denominazione attuale con la legge 94/1991 del 13 febbraio 1991.

  3. › wps › portalAbout us - TUKE

    University Technical University of Košice is a public college covering a wide range of educational needs not just for the East Slovak region but in many fields it is the only science, research and education center not only in Slovakia but also in the Central European area.

  4. › wps › portalTUKE

    Technical University of Košice is a public college covering a wide range of educational needs not just for the East Slovak region but in many fields it is the only science, research and education center not only in Slovakia but also in the Central European area.

  5. Technical University of Košice ( Slovak: Technická univerzita v Košiciach) is the second largest university of technology in Slovakia . University Structure. Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology. Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

  6. Тechnical University of Kosice (ТUKЕ) is an internationally recognized research and educational institution providing education and smart solutions into various life areas. Considering its status and results it belongs among the strongest universities in Slovakia.

  7. › wps › portalO nás - TUKE

    Ľudia musia byť na prvom mieste. Vzťahy budovať na úprimnosti a dôvere. Rôznorodosť ľudí a myšlienok rešpektovať. Kreativitu uprednostňovať pred memorovaním. Excelentnosť dosahovať tímovou prácou a silnou pracovnou etikou. Efektivitu dosahovať múdrym využívaním ľudských a finančných zdrojov.